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Jl. Raya Kampus Unud, Jimbaran, Kec. Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361
Student Testimonials.
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Ananta Sutopo2024-07-29 In the midst of commercialism, Ibu Tomoko and Pak Putu are amazingly genuine and humble in sharing their passion about yoga. The Aerial YTT was fun and inspiring, beautifully organized to cover all the subjects within short period of time. Great time to refresh, practise and have fun! Definitely recommend all courses and YTT program from Udana Yoga. They always welcome you like a family 🤍 Deepest gratitude to Ibu Tomoko & Pak Putu 🤍 Journey K2024-07-05 I really liked the classes taught by the professional teachers here. But there are too many cover classes. Unfortunately, every time I went back, another teacher's class was held. Gonzalo Rojas de la Cruz2024-06-17 Durante el mes de abril estuve en Bali, cumpliendo un sueño. Buscando lugares donde poder hacer yoga de forma habitual, buscando en internet encontré este lugar. Lo primero que tengo que decir es que es un espacio completamente local. Las clases se dan en inglés y simultáneamente en su idioma local. Tuve la suerte de ir a clase con Putu y Edi en yoga suelo, así como con Tomoko en yoga aéreo. Como personas son encantadores, y super cercanos. Como profesores son increíbles. Llevo unos años practicando y aprendiendo yoga, y tengo ya 700h como profesor certificado. Sin embargo siento que tengo muchísimo que aprender aún, y especialmente de ellos. Las clases son super completas, y el ambiente es agradable y con buena vibra por parte de todos los asistentes, la gran mayoría locales y quizás algún extranjero como yo que está de paso. Estoy tremendamente agradecido a ellos por sus enseñanzas y así como a la oportunidad de haberlos conocido. Cuando vuelva a Bali, sin duda, volveré a verlos. ¡Un abrazo enorme! Melisa Huang2024-06-11 I still remember the first time I joined Tomoko's Sky Flow Yoga class... After the class I came to her and said what I genuinely felt, "I like it!" I knew I would want to take aerial yoga course from Tomoko since then. Her class is completely different... unlike many others, she incorporates yoga asanas, pranayama, and mindfulness into aerial practice very well, so the class really lives up to its name - Sky Flow Yoga. I feel it such a perfect balance between challenging and serene feelings off the ground, and I like it very much! As I just completed the aerial yoga teacher training, this serves as an appreciation post and a heartfelt gratitude to Udana, especially to Tomoko 🙏✨️ Thank you for always being very welcoming and positive, also patient and always encouraging me. From the bottom of my heart, I will forever be grateful to be able to learn from you. mardiana simbolon2024-05-30 Awal ikut Udana Yoga itu atas rekomendasi guruku di Jakarta. Awalnya aku berpikir hanya belajar tentang pose/asana yoga lebih dalam lagi. Ternyata tidak sampai disana. Aku belajar mengenal dan memahami diri sendiri secara mendalam. Belajar untuk tetap sehat secara fisik, spritual dan mental. Aku juga belajar bagaimana menjadi guru yang baik untuk murid2 ku kelak, karena ketika sudah mendapatkan sertifikat, hal itu juga dipenuhi oleh tanggung jawab besar. Pak Putu dan Bu Tomoko sangat sabar membimbing kami. Mengajarkan arti cinta kasih dari sudut pandang lain yang lebih mudah dipahami sehingga membantuku untuk healing. Terima kasih untuk guru2 ku, Pak Putu dan Bu Tomoko. Namaste🙏 #batch20 michal karsia2024-05-16 A gem found in Bali. The teachers are all professional. Here you can practice yoga while feeling the nature. Thursday's class was only in Indonesian language, so it was a bit difficult, but I was able to follow along by watching the people around me. If the teacher on Thursday speaks with English, this place is perfect. Kim Dautzenberg2024-05-11 Very nice yoga studio in Jimbaran. Great atmosphere, nice people and professional yoga teachers. I attended several classes there, all were of very good quality and with good instruction and support. The prices are reasonable compared to many other yoga studios. I can recommend the studio to anyone who wants to have an authentic yoga experience away from all the tourist studios.Google rating score: 5.0 of 5, based on 96 reviews
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